British American Tobacco Malaysia - Policies, principles and standards

Policies, principles and standards

A set of key principles and standards guide the actions of all British American Tobacco Group companies worldwide.

Statement of Business Principles

Our Statement of Business Principles forms the basis on which we expect our businesses to be run in terms of responsibility. Developed with the help of stakeholders in dialogue, it consists of three Business Principles: Mutual Benefit, Responsible Product Stewardship and Good Corporate Conduct, and eighteen Core Beliefs. All BAT Group companies have adopted the Statement and are encouraged to engage in stakeholder dialogue to help determine how it should best be reflected in their business practices. The Business Principles and Core Beliefs form the basis for our continuous auditing of BAT Group companies’ CSR performance.

Standards of Business Conduct

The Standards of Business Conduct are an integral part of our governance and, together with our Business Principles, underpin our commitment to high standards of corporate responsibility. The Standards apply to all companies within the BATM Group and its employees and require high standards of behaviour and integrity.

Standards of Business Conduct (8,222 kb) 

Responsible Marketing Principles

Our Responsible Marketing Principles (RMP) guide our decisions in how we market our products. Central to the RMP is our commitment to ensuring that no marketing activity is directed at, or particularly appeals to, youth.

All BAT companies, employees, and anyone working on our behalf, in any capacity, must adopt these Marketing Principles and seek to apply them in good faith at all times. Our seven Responsible Marketing principles are:

  1. Our Products are intended for Adult Consumers
  2. Our Marketing is targeted to Adult Consumers
  3. We are committed to Underage Access Prevention
  4. Our Marketing is honest and accurate
  5. We inform Consumers that our Products are not risk free
  6. We respect and comply with all applicable laws
  7. We require our partners to market our products responsibly

In Malaysia, the marketing principles should be read together with our local laws.

In coordination with RMP, we also adhere to our Responsible Marketing Code, a set of standards we hold ourselves accountable to, which guides our decision-making process and applies to how we market our products.

Responsible Marketing Principles & Responsible Marketing Code 

Employment Principles

Our Employment Principles build on our commitment to good employment practices and workplace related human rights. They set out a common approach to our companies’ development of policies and procedures, while recognising that each company must take account of local labour law and practice and the local political, economic and cultural context. All our companies have committed to the Employment Principles and, through our internal audit process, are required to demonstrate that they are embedding them in the workplace. Our auditing also monitors that our companies are strongly encouraging key suppliers to meet similar standards.

Employment Principles (105 kb) 

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code of Conduct complements our BAT Group Standards of Business Conduct by defining the minimum standards we expect our suppliers to adhere to in order to supply goods or services to BAT and any BAT Group company. This builds upon our long-standing commitment to operating to the highest standards of corporate conduct for both our own business operations and our wider supply chain. It also supports our continuing commitment to respect human rights and uphold international standards, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Supplier Code of Conduct 2024 (2,617 kb) 

BAT Group Environmental Policy

We accept that our companies’ operations affect the environment and we are committed to following high standards of environmental protection, adhering to the principles of sustainable development and protecting biodiversity.

BAT Group Environment Policy (146 kb) 

Health and Safety Policy Statement

We aim to apply the best international standards of practice relating to the health and safety of employees at work and non-company personnel on company premises and to give a high priority to these activities. The Statement is backed by detailed specific requirements.

Group Health and Safety Policy Statement (53 kb)